Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Short Story Of Frankencake- And How to Make Your Own

As many of you may know, I have a penchant for baking.....

A kind hearted tweeting friend  @skipthezip reminded me that "Baking is like Buddhism. Stay true to the recipe, and it'll turn out perfectly."

Well, I didn't stick to the recipe....not on purpose, but through my distraction I mistakenly used baking powder instead of the require baking soda. I was terribly aware of this baking no no just as I put it into the oven. This may seem trivial, however, this was my very first attempt at making a vegan chocolate cake and my intention was to bring it with me on a very important visit to a yogini. 30 nail biting minutes later, out came something I affectionately called Frankencake.  It was an odd consistency and a little flat, yet surprisingly edible!

The lesson here. Awareness.  

I ended up mixing all the correct ingredients again and finally arrived at something truer to the vegan chocolate cake I was searching for. It looks fabulous and it was really quite simple. It has been praised as "the best chocolate cake that just happens to be vegan"!

This recipe was sent to me in reply to a call for good vegan dessert recipes. Thank you @richtayl! 
You can find the recipe he recommended here. I think it is going to be a winner! It is soft, moist and heavenly sweet.

Until my next baking adventure.....

1 comment:

  1. Yummy yay!!!! I love being inspired! And that you have done. :)
