Friday, October 30, 2009

A beautiful trade...

I had the pleasure of my very first trade last week!

Laura of Compassion Malas  and I decided to trade malas from our shops. Her work has been featured on this blog already, but I can't say enough about it! I chose the the picture jasper pocket mala......

And she chose the Black Agate Mala......

The mala I received was beautiful and warm. I admit I have yet to meditate with it yet due to my schedule this week, but I plan to tonight! I will let you know how it goes. 

Peace to all! And a special hello to my new followers!


  1. Beautiful malas!

    (Hee Hee)


  2. This compassion mala is extraordinary. I have not seen anywhere such a beautiful mala ever before. The other one is also so nice that I am feeling to start meditation if I got one of those charming pieces.
